The Days of My Life

I only write when I feel like, sorry for all who check all the time.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Apparently gas is $1.99 at 13 and Mack. I am so happy it is going down. I have been so busy. With fun stuff and not fun stuff. I got my application in for the internship on the deadline, I always worry I forgot something. Friday I worked at both places and Jackie made brownies and cookies and when I got home we finished the pasta salad. Saturday morning I woke up and went to weigh in and then came home to get ready to go to East Lansing. We got up there around 12:30 and everyone was ready to go! We got to the parking lot at like 1:05 and it was already filling up. Now this is for a 8pm game. We finally got all the tailgating down. We had a canopy and tarps in the front and back, a TV hooked up to watch other games, the grill and of course Ned the gnome (I think that is his name, there was a debate about it). Jamie from Indy came, Eric from Seattle, all my siblings except Zac, my cousin, Dave's parents, Bill, even Stace and Ryan showed up for an hour. The tailgating was great. Even the game was good until closer to the end when we lost a 16 point lead and Anna decided to just leave the stadium and not tell anyone, oh and it was pouring down rain. It left a bad taste in my mouth. It took an hour to get out of the parking lot because everyone stayed til the end cheering their heads off to no avail. So whatever, that is the way of the Spartans, and we will still go back and hope that they will be better next time. It was back to reality, I didn't want to go. I knew I had to finish my app, work a lot and just in general I wasn't looking forward to it.
We drove home Sunday and I worked, I totally missed Desperate Housewives since for some reason we didn't get out until 9:40 when we close at 8. Yesterday was just a lot of running around and working. I worked my ass off last night helping everyone clean, I was so tired. Today I'm working both and tomorrow I plan on trying to find a new outfit for Friday. I need new black pants since I ripped mine on a seatbelt. I got new ones for work but they are Dockers and those are definately not fashionable. This weekend is going to be busy too but I took it off from Panera. Friday is the birthday extravaganza, Saturday there is a home game at noon and Sunday we have tickets for the last regular season Tiger game. At least it will be fun stuff I'm doing this weekend. All of October I have something every single weekend. I don't remember a time when I didn't have plans and we just went with the flow. I have cramps today so I'm a little uncomfortable and I need to start working but can't get motivated. So that is the update.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


So yesterday I was in a surpising good mood. I haven't been for a while so it is always wierd when I am. I was still sick but I got to work from home. I mowed the lawn and it was my mom's birthday so I went to Target to get her a present, got her a cute sweater and a classical CD then drove to Plymouth to go out to eat. We went to Applebee's. It was delicious. I had the steak skewers off the ww menu. Yum! My mom got a free sundae and I had a bite of that. I was full. I went home and cleaned a bit before PR came on. Poor Kayne. If he had just put more white in his dress I think Jeffrey would be going home. And I'm so glad that Angela and Vincent got sent home again. I love Michael he is great.
So there is a lady that works here that is probably the most hideous I have ever met. She has long frizzy, thin hair with thick glasses. That isn't the scary part. She goes into the bathroom and I seem to be cursed with going in whenever she does and she sits there and grunts or farts. It is SO disgusting. Then her laugh is highly obnoxious and she leaves her pop in the fridge and goes and drinks 1 drink and leaves it there. Wierd!!!! These are the kind of people I work with. I had to ride the elevator down with her today and she was pacing non stop until it came. I wanted to say 'calm down poo lady.'
Alright gotta go.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pep talk

Um I need some sort of pep rally to get through this week. I never got to be rested from the weekend and it went right in to 16 hour days for almost the whole week. I didn't get out of work until almost 10:45 last night and I wanted to cry. I did actually and then it made my nose even more stuffy and I couldn't breath and my throat hurts so I couldn't swallow. And it was only Monday.
This morning I thought I forgot my cell phone and that just topped it off and I was crying and wanted to turn back around. Then I found it. I felt a little better just because that was one less thing I had to be mad about. On my 'off' day from Panera, I have to go to Plymouth to give a recomm. form to someone and it is my mom's birthday so I won't even be able to do anthing on that day, the only day I have 'off'. I want to scream sometimes. I can't call in to this job because I did last week. I should have saved it for this week, it is so much worse!

Monday, September 11, 2006


It was a tiring weekend. Mixed with fun and no fun. Friday was no fun. I worked and got home and made cookies. Beckie, Jessica and Jackie rented some wierd movies. They bought me ww 1 pt. cake things, they are actually really good. Even though they are the size of finger :) But I eat one with a yogurt in the morning and it keeps me ok for a while. Ended up going to bed at around 12:15. Got up at 8. We went to Lansing for the tailgating extravaganza. I didn't think it was going to be cold so I didn't bring a sweatshirt. We got there and it started downpouring the second we walked up. Anna and Luke had gone to buy a tent. It cost $200 but it is cool. Then we put a tarp from the tent to the car so we had quite the shelter, blankets, chairs and food and drink. We drank vodka and lemonade, so good. I was freezing so Luke told me to go buy a sweatshirt. He had to go and buy one earlier. So he gave me money. He's so sweet. I get back and he liked mine better than the one he got. It was fun, Dave had some friends from he made from law school there and my cousin came with some friends. We made hot dogs and hamburgers and we had brought greek pasta salad, cookies, chips and mexicali dip. That didn't last long. We ended up drinking all the drinks we brought, including the margaritas. Try packing up a car after sharing 2 fifths! It took us like an hour...We got into the game a few minutes after kick off. Our first possession Stanton threw an interception so we were like oh great. But we won 52 to 20. We were freezing by the end so we decided to go to Danielle's, we were rocking out to Sexy Back on our wait out of the lot.

At Danielle's everyone was like let's play a drinking game. Holly told us the rules. Dave went and got beer and pucker and I had Captain's. Jackie drank Coke, we didn't really plan out the after tailgate very well because we didn't know what we would be doing. One of the rules were that you couldn't call anyone by their name, if you did you had to take a shot. We laughed so hard, that was the hardest rule. Then we got a pizza from Jet's, the really big ones with 30 pieces. There was only 7 of us eating it! So needless to say there was 15 pieces left when we left. We left around 10:15. I tried my hardest to stay awake but I passed out.
I had to go to a wedding shower yesterday and I was rushing around. It was nice, although it was outside and it was a bit chilly. I had to go right from there to work.
I am really tired today but have no time to catch up my rest because I am working today and tomorrow at the P. Blah. Gotta go.

Friday, September 08, 2006


I am going to be stuck here forever.
I can't get any loans for the internship. I went to the financial aid office and since it doesn't count as credit they cannot give financial aid.
I called Sally Mae also and they don't offer any loans like that, not even personal loans.
Not that I could get a personal loan because I have to much debt.

I want to cry.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I think I'm getting sick. My eyes are runny, my nose is plugged and my ear is making the ocean noise. Blah. I didn't want to get up today at all especially because it is dark out now at 6. When is daylight savings time? Because I want it to be lighter in the morning. I don't have to work today so this is my only day to get all my little chores done that I want. I hope I don't feel like just laying around. Nothing really happened at work, we worked with slow people so I ended up pretty much doing cafe. And helping in bakery. We got out a little after 10. We have a new crispani, the BBQ chicken one. I really like it because I love bbq chicken. But I haven't ate much of it because I'm trying not to. Mostly that is the only ones we are selling. I only made 20. Well I think I have to get something to eat before I pass out.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Egg update

So I am not moving panera's but the girls that egged my house got transferred. HR said that since they created a hostile work environment they would be transferred or they could voluntarily quit. My g.m. told me and then asked if I wanted to be in the room. She said she was going to ask if they did it and it wouldn't change the outcome of what was going to happen but maybe it would give me some personal satisfaction. So I was there. The girl that we were talking to said 'no we didn't touch Sarah's house.' My g.m. said 'well we heard that you egged Robin's b/f's house that same evening.' She goes 'well we egged his house, yes but not Sarah's.' A little too coincidental! So she was told her options and she started crying and said she was sorry but never admitted to doing it. So the 2 are being transferred. I am glad, I mean I would have gone but I don't think my manager wanted me to go. They've had problems with those 2 before.
Both of them have talked to me and said they were sorry about what happened but neither would admit it was them. The one's girls friend told our g.m. that whatever she thinks happened, did happen so whatever, they are lying.
We went to the football game on Saturday. We woke up at like 6:30am to start getting ready. We packed my car to the gills and went to the stadium around 8. We made pancakes, eggs and english muffins. And I started drinking around 9ish. I got drunk but not totally hammered. It was fun. Danielle, Dave, Luke, Jackie, Jay, me and my dad. And a bunch of Jay's friends that were hung over from the night before so they didn't drink. We are all starting to feel the effect of age. He was like 'I can't drink 2 days in a row! It takes me a week to be ready for the next time.' Haha.
MSU won the game, barely. The score was 27 to 17 but the way we played sucked and it kind of dragged. After we made some hot dogs. Then packed it up and Jackie left for Buffalo. I went home and the dogs were so happy. Then Sunday I didn't do much, I woke up, then took a nap before I went to work. Monday I went to Steak and Ale with my parents and Luke. It was delicious. I had the southwest chicken and salad bar.
Looking forward to another tailgating weekend! Anna is coming to this one. Johnnie Spirit will be so glad. The game isn't til 3:30 so we don't have to get up so early. Then Sunday I have a wedding shower to go to and then right to work. Since those girls are off the schedule I have 5 shifts this week, 30 hours. Crazy! At least they are crispani shifts so I don't really have to deal with customers. I just help out.
Gotta go.