Happy Mother's Day
Ok so I am 30 and I'm dancing around to Maneater from Jackie's my space page, while having a drink which I SO should not be drunk from but I only ate chinese at noon, and I only had like a cup of it with an eggroll. Maybe I need to eat something. But then I put on my Detroit Tigers hat and dance around like I am 23 again. I laugh and it is all good. Who should I hang out with? Makeout boy? Sensation? I don't know who, maybe just alone? I do have to work tomorrow and it will be hell if I am tired. I get text messages like 'what time are you going to be up until?' I shouldn't wait for no one! But I am just hanging by myself. I'm not upset. I don't know what I'm doing anyways. HMMM ok I'm going to go and flip from Desperate Housewives to the Red Wings game. Should I ask Sensation over???? Decisions. My update probably will be that there was no one. And that is ok with me.
We had a productive weekend, we cleaned the basement. We got industrial strength soap that said it cleaned acid rain? where do you have to clean acid rain? We thought that would be good to get our yucky mess up. We deck brushed our basement floor and mopped and mopped. It looks really good and the crap is gone! Now we just have to get our drain snaked. Awesome. Then we went shopping at Kohl's. I am at a size that I want to buy a lot of clothes but I don't want to yet because I'm not done. I bought some shirts because I know that they will always fit. Today I went to my mom's for Mother's day and we had got chinese. It was nice. It was me, Anna, Zac and my mom and dad. Then I was suppose to work but it is a long story but I didn't have to. So I went and got a hanging flower basket and then I cleaned upstairs. Then I had a drink. And the dancing began. Ok I am going to go. Hope all had fun!
We had a productive weekend, we cleaned the basement. We got industrial strength soap that said it cleaned acid rain? where do you have to clean acid rain? We thought that would be good to get our yucky mess up. We deck brushed our basement floor and mopped and mopped. It looks really good and the crap is gone! Now we just have to get our drain snaked. Awesome. Then we went shopping at Kohl's. I am at a size that I want to buy a lot of clothes but I don't want to yet because I'm not done. I bought some shirts because I know that they will always fit. Today I went to my mom's for Mother's day and we had got chinese. It was nice. It was me, Anna, Zac and my mom and dad. Then I was suppose to work but it is a long story but I didn't have to. So I went and got a hanging flower basket and then I cleaned upstairs. Then I had a drink. And the dancing began. Ok I am going to go. Hope all had fun!
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