So it's the day before the wedding. I am obviously thinking about it a lot because I had a dream about it last night. It wasn't like a 'I object' type of thing when the pastor asks the question, it was more of a 'I'm happy for you and hope that I find it someday' type of dream. I was sad in the dream though. Me and Jamie were outside the day before the wedding and we were laying on the ground looking up at the stars, talking. Then we were eating the wedding desert, which wasn't cake, even though we knew we weren't suppose to be eating it. It was wierd. I don't want to cry tomorrow but if today is any indication that whenever I even think of it I start getting teary, then I think that it is going to happen.
I feel bad about Jackie's brother and his family. The house was really nice, and they had moved around so much. They are crazy movers and this was probably one they would have stayed at. Everything happens for a reason? I think that, so maybe there is something better waiting for them. It sucks when good people have shit happen to them. It is hard to keep the faith.
I feel a little better today, besides 'the wedding', probably because I slept. I have to work at Panera tonight and Sunday. It isn't going to be a rockin weekend I don't think, although I will have cocktails at the reception. A lot. Ok maybe that isn't a good idea because I might turn in to a bumbling sobbing mess. I don't want that to happen. There are going to be people from church there. Another guy from our 4th grade class is going to be there too, he was always a nice guy, one of Jamie's best friends but I never stayed friends with him like Jamie. He has since got married and divorced. I can't wait to go camping. Sit around the fire and drink and eat and read and take walks. I hope I can relax a little then.
My parents are trying to kick Luke's 2 friends out of the house now. They let them come and live with them and said that when they got jobs that they would need to find their own place and move out. Ok, so they've been working for a couple of months now and there was no movement in the door direction. Why should they? My parents fed them and gave them a home, a big home. So my dad told them that they were out by Sunday. And it was hard for them because they are really nice kids. So we'll see.
It's jeans day today and it is quiet here. My boss is on vacation and 4 of the 5 people that got 30 days have found jobs and are gone. So there are 6 of us here I think. It is also really slow so I will have to amuse myself some other way. Alright well I'm done, have a good weekend.
Oh and for everyone that lost a blog to the blog monster, I copy it before I am going to publish it so that I don't lose what I have written.