The Days of My Life

I only write when I feel like, sorry for all who check all the time.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I am in a bad mood today. Yesterday I slept a lot but not enough. When I got home from work I mowed the lawn and tried to put the branches in to the garbage until I got a HUGE splinter in my thumb and it bled so that was the end of that. Plus it was really hot outside. Then I went in and was watching the food network. I fell asleep around 5:45 and woke up when Jackie got home, I think around 7. I was feeling discontent then because I had nothing to eat and I couldn't go grocery shopping yet. So I ate some left over chips with cheese that weren't as good as it sounded. Then we started watching Office Space and I fell asleep again. I had to go and pick Darren up at 10 and I would have gone to bed at 10. Didn't get back until 11:30, so I was irritated and hungry. I went immediately to bed. They laid 5 people off on my account, 1 of them being the guy that works with me on what we do. Well he found another position today and they wanted him IMMEDIATELY so now I am alone. With no back up. Things are so disorganized and stupid so that just added to my annoyances. I have to work today at Panera.

The weekend wasn't that great. Got in a fight, went to a shower, went shopping at Kohl's, went out with Beckie and Jackie (those last 3 three things were fun), saw X-men 3 and worked. This weekend I have to work Friday and Saturday. So I can't go to Ryan's bar night.
Ugh well I am going to stop writing because I don't feel like doing it anymore.


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