The Days of My Life

I only write when I feel like, sorry for all who check all the time.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Profile editing

Ok I guess I am back. Tired and trying to make sense of everything. I have started going to the gym. And when I work at Panera me and my co-worker go walking at the river for about 2 miles. So that is something. I do feel better after I go, even though I REALLY have to make myself. Nothing exciting has happened the past 2 weeks that I would want to share at least....
I found some good profiles on a dating/friends website that I thought were funny.

'I am lookin for a person that have goals, smart, sexy, honest, funny, socialable, someone I can take in public (not no hoodrats).' DatBoiNice I would hope you would want to date people that you could take in to public. What is the definition for hoodrat?

'My mom says I'm "breezy" and "mellow" and I'll make you laugh (not a gurantee).' HairyBagel This guy was real attractive (sarcasm). But it's 'not a gurantee' that he'll make you laugh. Awesome

'Because communication and understanding is the key to every relationship. I'm also cool with just having fun too.' Mandizzle Communication and understanding are not 'fun' apparently

'I thought Id give this a try. I'm a pretty boring guy, once you get passed the tats ' Poketprotektor Way to talk yourself up. He's boring

'Say you're a nice guy, and you're flat out doomed, because no one dates nice guys. And besides, you're unique and rebelious, just like everyone else; 2000 characters can't sum you up. ' AIMelfscine This guy looked a little like Screech

'I am dark skinned and have all of my teeth...and they are clean also...holla back ' I'm glad we got the dental hygiene question out of the way.

P.S. I had W.C. last night, I couldn't resist, I hadn't had it for a while. It was delicious.


  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger The Judge said…

    Holla back, yo. Where did all these guys learn how to write? What's "Socialable"?


  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger The Judge said…

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  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger The Judge said…

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  • At 9:24 AM, Blogger Jessica B. said…

    Sarah-Bunny! I'm so glad to see you're back. I've been checking this everyday in anticipation of your triumpant return. Good job on the working out and walking. I was doing good with walking for 30 minutes a day for a few weeks but I've been bad for the last week and a half. If you ever want to work out or walk together give me a call cause I'm in the same boat as you. (can't resist the "bad" food and have to force myself to get some exercise) We can be each other's support system.


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