'You could fry an egg'
So yesterday we went to the Tiger's game. Oh my hotness. We thought we were going to die. It read 93 on the temp thing and we were sitting in the sun. I put sunscreen on but got burned anyways. The seats were so hot the lady in front of us was like 'you could fry an egg on this!' I didn't feel like drinking, I had 1 margarita and wondered why I wasted the $6.50. I've never seen Jackie's face that red before. We left at the end of the 7th inning. The people mover was air conditioned so that was nice. Adam Ford came with us and he was telling us that he is going to run for State Senate or something like that. He is very business minded. My friend/supervisor from Panera came to the game with her b/f and she was funny. I've never hung out with her outside of work and she was like I don't know why we don't hang out! She was a little buzzed. And she told me that our general manager at the store needs to move someone up but that 'Sarah, Chris and Julie have bad attitudes.' I was like what?! Ok whatever, I can show her a bad attitude if that's what she wants! My friend told her that maybe it was because she kept giving us promises and never followed through on them. So I pretty much have known that door was shut before but now I really know because if she thinks that then she won't be helpful and won't pass on my resume to the district manager. No one thinks she is a good GM. Now I see it.
Friday night I worked and we did nothing exciting, watched Hoodwinked. Saturday was the bbq. I decided to take Duke because Mike's yard is fenced in and he could run around and play with the dogs. Who knew that he would have some sort of hatred towards Skippy. So he had to be chained up the entire time, barking and annoyed. I felt bad because he would have been better off at home. The food was delicious. Meat, yum! I had like 3 helpings. The cheeseball Julie made was delicious and the cookies that Jackie brought were gone. And I got drunk, it was fabulous. Then we went home and watched the Pistons and Beckie called because she wanted us to come back but when she gave the phone to Ryan he was like 'you don't need to come back.' Beckie went to bed a 1/2 hour later....I passed out on the couch. Sunday I worked again and it was SO slow. And like 85 degrees in there, it sucked. Went home and me and Jackie watched Rumor has it. Finally about 11 I was like um can we turn on the air? I was hot. It felt much better. I feel bad for those that do not have it!
Last night I was so tired but restless too. I fell asleep at like 12 but woke up at 1. Then at 6 I had a hard time getting up. It looks like it is going to be another scorcher. It is freezing in here though. Then I go to work at Panera. Oh ya, Sunday this kid that I work with sniffled while making a sandwich and this lady freaked out and was like I don't want him making my sandwich and went on and on about it. She also included that 'AIDS was going around.' What!? Apparently it's getting spread like the common cold? She even called back later to talk to the manager and then wanted to talk to the GM. It was so dumb.
Well I better be off. I have to try and warm up my hands.
Friday night I worked and we did nothing exciting, watched Hoodwinked. Saturday was the bbq. I decided to take Duke because Mike's yard is fenced in and he could run around and play with the dogs. Who knew that he would have some sort of hatred towards Skippy. So he had to be chained up the entire time, barking and annoyed. I felt bad because he would have been better off at home. The food was delicious. Meat, yum! I had like 3 helpings. The cheeseball Julie made was delicious and the cookies that Jackie brought were gone. And I got drunk, it was fabulous. Then we went home and watched the Pistons and Beckie called because she wanted us to come back but when she gave the phone to Ryan he was like 'you don't need to come back.' Beckie went to bed a 1/2 hour later....I passed out on the couch. Sunday I worked again and it was SO slow. And like 85 degrees in there, it sucked. Went home and me and Jackie watched Rumor has it. Finally about 11 I was like um can we turn on the air? I was hot. It felt much better. I feel bad for those that do not have it!
Last night I was so tired but restless too. I fell asleep at like 12 but woke up at 1. Then at 6 I had a hard time getting up. It looks like it is going to be another scorcher. It is freezing in here though. Then I go to work at Panera. Oh ya, Sunday this kid that I work with sniffled while making a sandwich and this lady freaked out and was like I don't want him making my sandwich and went on and on about it. She also included that 'AIDS was going around.' What!? Apparently it's getting spread like the common cold? She even called back later to talk to the manager and then wanted to talk to the GM. It was so dumb.
Well I better be off. I have to try and warm up my hands.
At 2:08 PM,
Jessica B. said…
It seems that the lady might have caught that stupidity virus I've heard about. I don't think there's a cure, you just have to put them down. Like a horse.
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