The Days of My Life

I only write when I feel like, sorry for all who check all the time.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Things have been pretty crazy in the past couple of weeks, I am hoping that all is going to calm down and we will have less drama. I haven't really wanted to write about what was going on. I am so happy that Louie was found, even if he is a lot of bones right now. We thought he was skinny before! He still is a little wobbly and Duke doesn't really understand why he can't play with him and jump on him like before.
I had a nice weekend. Friday I worked and then was really tired because Thursday night we went to Roger's Roost. Now I know why I can't go out during the week. I had a little too much to drink and only got 3 hours of sleep and had to work both jobs on Friday. I was hit on by a guy named Bubba, and his name says it all. He was a really nice guy. Friday when I got home me and Jackie went to Coney and got a chicken greek salad and fried mushrooms, it was so yummy! Then Saturday we went to East Lansing to hang out with Danielle and do some shopping. I cannot believe how long we spent shopping! It was fun though, we went to to Kohl's, the mall and Target. Probably spent too much at Kohl's but oh well. We went to Chili's and had a yummy drink and chips and cheese dip. We didn't get home until after 11 and my friends from Panera kept calling me to stop by so I was like ok I'll go over for a minute. She literally lives like 2 blocks from us. I ended up staying there until 2:30 and I didn't go to bed until 5:30 in the morning!
I was surprisingly ok yesterday, cleaned and watched basketball the whole day. Go Patriots! (George Mason) - who beat MSU, UNC, and UConn to get in to the final 4. I figure if they beat MSU then I want them to go all the way! Darren fell asleep at like 8pm and never woke back up, he is sick right now, he didn't even wake up when I left this morning. He was still in his jeans. So I went to sleep at around 11, it was so nice! I watched Grey's Anatomy, I had never seen that one, it was very sad. I cried. So overall things are balanced right now. Sleep and Louie is back.....I have to work both jobs today but it is ok. I heard they made around 100 crispanis on Saturday, crazy!!! I probably could have worked too because someone called in, like normal. 2 people have quit and 1 got fired so every time we hire people they just drop off like flies.

And by the way, who the hell would be killing all these animals? I find it very disturbing. The people caught should have the same thing happen to them.


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