It was an interesting weekend. Friday night I worked and then me and Jackie went to Meijer's at like 10:30 to get food. Anna and her b/f Jim came at 2:30 in the morning. Darren and him went to Coney to get food. We ended up going to bed at like 4. Saturday we watched the Spartans lose again in basketball and then headed to 12 Oaks. 696 was closed so that was annoying. Jim is a scary driver. The going 90 mph isn't what I was scared of, it was the weaving in and out of cars. And he hates rap and loves country. Scandalous! We didn't get back until 8 and we were suppose to leave at 7 to meet Sandra and Beckii. So we ended up meeting them in Dearborn at Pizza Papalis. Jackie, me and Anna had a very strong vodka and juice on the way. I was hit by the time I got there. I had a couple Captain and diets and I was feeling good. Sandra and Beckii's 3 friends met us up there, Andy, Chris and Shawn. Andy is cute so I thought maybe him and Jackie? We went to a bar with a live band, it sucked, old people and not good songs. So we then went to Venue. Jim was shocked that it was $10 for guys to get in. $5 for women. Then we checked our coats. We immediately hit the dance floor and I didn't get off it all night except to go to the bathroom. Andy turned out to be wasted, so wasted that he couldn't really open his eyes. Jackie started dancing with some other fella and well Andy didn't really like that so he kept trying to go over there. I would pull him away and he wouldn't even notice. Chris was getting booty danced by some girl and he had a scared look on his face. He reminded me of Luke. He is only 22 and he has a g/f. The rest of the group wanted to leave about 1:30 but Jackie didn't want to go. So we kept dancing. Then the fateful drink, tequila, was given to her and she did the shot. Jim and Anna had gone to get our coats but we thought they were outside so we went out but they weren't there. The bouncer wouldn't let us back in. Jackie started getting pushy. Have you seen her pushy? I was afraid she was going to start a fight with the bouncer! Some random guy told us ya well my g/f just dumped me and left him here. I was trying to make Jackie come away from the door. Then they came out and immediately Jackie was like 'where's my phone.' Jim was like 'I gave it back to you.' She was adamant that no he did not, 'it is lost'. I'm like ok let's go and look in the car. She was convinced 'no it is not there. Nope'. So we get to the car and sure enough it was in my purse. Thank god, it was getting a little scary! So we are driving back and Jackie was trying to text Beckie but she kept saying 'it isn't working. It isn't working.' It ended up just texting 'I'. Then she goes 'I deleted her number.' I'm like what? It wasn't there anymore. It was funny. So then at some point I left message for Luke because he didn't come out with us and then Jackie wanted to leave a message so it was like 5 minutes long and that she mad at him. :) He ended up calling back. We got off at 9 mile and Jackie was rolling down the window, Jim was like do you need me to stop? 'Yes'. So we pulled over at the Mobil for her. We finally got home and Jim carried her in and put her on the couch. Then I stayed up with her until she fell asleep. She told me to call her friend to tell her she wasn't going to make it to lunch the next day. She doesn't remember that. Ugh I hate that pukey feeling of drinking too much. I was drunk too but I only had 1 drink at the last bar we went to and we danced a lot. Anna wanted food, we just ended up eating pizza from earlier. It was an interesting evening. Yesterday me, Anna, Darren and Jim went to my parents for dinner. It was yummy. Now I'm at work and I have a long day. I go from here to Panera. I don't really like those days. Ok, I hate them.
The people here took a collection for 'Ed' because it is his last day and I did not contribute. I barely have any money as it is and I didn't particularly like him. So that was on Friday but of course today someone was like 'are you going to put any $$ in?' I'm just like 'no'. I shouldn't have to explain myself and I hate that people are pressuring me, it wasn't my idea and I don't want to be part of it. Whatever.
p.s. the title of this blog has nothing to do with anything I wrote about....
The people here took a collection for 'Ed' because it is his last day and I did not contribute. I barely have any money as it is and I didn't particularly like him. So that was on Friday but of course today someone was like 'are you going to put any $$ in?' I'm just like 'no'. I shouldn't have to explain myself and I hate that people are pressuring me, it wasn't my idea and I don't want to be part of it. Whatever.
p.s. the title of this blog has nothing to do with anything I wrote about....
At 9:08 PM,
The Judge said…
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