The Days of My Life

I only write when I feel like, sorry for all who check all the time.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Buttery popcorn

I had a good birthday. I worked from home, went to the gym, got my hair cut and colored, and went to Mongolian bbq with my mom, dad, danielle and jackie. I also went to the Secretary of State where come to find out they moved it so I had to go to a different one but once I got there it only took like 5 minutes. Dinner was really good, then we watched the Tigers, ANTM and PR. I fell asleep, I was so tired. My mom and Anna got me 3 months worth of ww, I was very excited about that. And I got a cutting board, knives, silverware and a cookie cooling rack. All stuff on my list. Oh also popcorn and Captain's :) Can't go wrong with that! I probably went over my points last night but not by much. I pretty much starved myself all day so that I could not feel bad about eating. Then we got the big brownie sundae for dessert and come to find out it is 35 points!! Holy crap! But we all ate out of it so it couldn't be that bad... I'm going to the gym today too, I went for a walk earlier. Turning 30 is just like any other birthday, you just aren't in your 20's anymore. Anyways, it is taking me a while to finish this so I gotta go. Someone just made popcorn and it smells SO good.


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