Oh ya I can't stand working with Nard. I have to try to ignore the fact that he stands around and does nothing when he has no customers and I will not help him at the end of the night because of it. Some things he has said to me or done...
1. 'I'm not applying to Michigan State because I only expect to get a 16 or 17 on my ACT test so I wouldn't get in.'
2. 'Black people don't invest or save for retirement but I plan on doing that.' What?! I really didn't get that one.
3. 'Every day I think about quitting and taking my money drawer with me.' This was while he was counting down his drawer.
4. 'Will you clean the girls bathroom?' he refuses to clean the woman's bathroom, I swear he needs to be fired. So I said 'um no, that is your job and I'm closing line.' He goes: 'I'll remember that the next time you ask me for a favor.' Don't worry, I won't!!!
5. 'Man I need to quit this place is wearing me out.' Again, what?! You work like 25 hours a week at the most and you don't even work when you are here!
6. 'Oh you can just have the chips for free.' Um no he can't Nard! Obviously you don't care about getting raises.
Ugh, I literally have to ignore him when he is working because he drives me crazy.
Ok, sorry I went on that little episode but I couldn't help it. Yesterday 2 people called in so we were a little short staffed. The weekend was ok, I worked on Friday and Saturday nights. Didn't do much on those days. I cleaned on Saturday We went up to the place that used to be Gecko's on Saturday for like an hour. My friend Keri was up there. It was dead. We just played some pool and had Bacardi Silver's for a $1. Sunday I went grocery shopping and we made food for the SB. We only had like 8 people over, that was a good number because then we all had seats. It was an ok game, I didn't really care who won. Well I have to get to work, now that Amy is gone 'Ed' keeps asking us questions because he doesn't know what he is doing. Not our fault!!
I saw Underworld: Evolution, Thursday night, I liked it a lot. I like Kate and 'Ben' (from Felicity) and I like how they intertwine everyone. Now is Selene and Michael going to have a wierd baby?
P.S. Where did 'foolery' come from? I know I didn't just make it up, I've heard it before...I knew that they wouldn't go 'for a little while', whenever the plan is oh we are just going to go for a bit, it turns into a late night :)
1. 'I'm not applying to Michigan State because I only expect to get a 16 or 17 on my ACT test so I wouldn't get in.'
2. 'Black people don't invest or save for retirement but I plan on doing that.' What?! I really didn't get that one.
3. 'Every day I think about quitting and taking my money drawer with me.' This was while he was counting down his drawer.
4. 'Will you clean the girls bathroom?' he refuses to clean the woman's bathroom, I swear he needs to be fired. So I said 'um no, that is your job and I'm closing line.' He goes: 'I'll remember that the next time you ask me for a favor.' Don't worry, I won't!!!
5. 'Man I need to quit this place is wearing me out.' Again, what?! You work like 25 hours a week at the most and you don't even work when you are here!
6. 'Oh you can just have the chips for free.' Um no he can't Nard! Obviously you don't care about getting raises.
Ugh, I literally have to ignore him when he is working because he drives me crazy.
Ok, sorry I went on that little episode but I couldn't help it. Yesterday 2 people called in so we were a little short staffed. The weekend was ok, I worked on Friday and Saturday nights. Didn't do much on those days. I cleaned on Saturday We went up to the place that used to be Gecko's on Saturday for like an hour. My friend Keri was up there. It was dead. We just played some pool and had Bacardi Silver's for a $1. Sunday I went grocery shopping and we made food for the SB. We only had like 8 people over, that was a good number because then we all had seats. It was an ok game, I didn't really care who won. Well I have to get to work, now that Amy is gone 'Ed' keeps asking us questions because he doesn't know what he is doing. Not our fault!!
I saw Underworld: Evolution, Thursday night, I liked it a lot. I like Kate and 'Ben' (from Felicity) and I like how they intertwine everyone. Now is Selene and Michael going to have a wierd baby?
P.S. Where did 'foolery' come from? I know I didn't just make it up, I've heard it before...I knew that they wouldn't go 'for a little while', whenever the plan is oh we are just going to go for a bit, it turns into a late night :)
At 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
The best part of the loser @ Panera is that his name is Nard. That makes is so funny, though I feel your pain.
I think 'foolery' could be a legitimate word. I think you are pulling it from 'tomfoolery' which is probably an old english word or based on old english words.
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