Work: my 2nd home
So yesterday we did the 'dry run' with the crispanis. They are not hard to make, all we have to do is roll out the dough, make sure it is the right size, top it and put it in the oven. Then make sure there are no bubbles. Mostly I've heard good things about them. One person said they don't really fill you up, maybe they should get the chicken one...Jessica and Jackie came in to get a free crispani and they enjoyed it. Even though they had to get rung up by Nard. He bugs the crap out of me because he is 17 and thinks he such hot shit. He is slow and has no emotion when talking just like 'hey what's up.' I'm like you can't say 'what's up' to customers!! A lot of people complain about him. When he works in the back of the house he brings in his own cd's, which consist of rap and more rap, songs that you don't hear on the radio because they probably couldn't play them. I think to myself, does your mom know you listen to this? His parents brought him in for the interview. I sound old but I'm just like ok, nice song. So yesterday we had a line of about 10 people, which is a pretty good size line, him and another girl were on registers. I see him walking away with a bunch of lids in his hands. I'm like where is he going? She was like um I guess to fill lids? I yelled out to him 'what are you doing? you need to ring people up!' He's like 'well I'm not sure if I have a drawer.' Note: He's been in his shift for at least 3 hours at this point. I'm like 'did you count it down?' 'um no'. 'Then you still have a drawer!!' Idiot. People like that drive me crazy!
So my weekend is going to suck, I work today at both jobs, then I also work fri, sat, sunday and monday nights. Yip.
So my weekend is going to suck, I work today at both jobs, then I also work fri, sat, sunday and monday nights. Yip.
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow. Are you a supervisor? It sounds like you should be one at least. And you should have cattle prods, so you can shock them when they do dumb stuff. And if they ask you what you're doing, just say "Operant Conditioning".
At 11:23 AM,
Unknown said…
Wow, and I thought my second full time job was hard. But watching 30+ hours of TV a week is nothing like what you have to do.
Maybe this Nard kid will do something stupid to remove himself from the gene pool. One can hope.
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